
How to Set Boundaries Between Work and Family Time: A Guide for Busy Parents

Managing a career and raising a family can be challenging. In addition to working hard at work, you want to spend time with your family. It’s critical to find a method to keep work and family time apart. These easy guidelines will help you establish limits so that you can prioritise your work and your relationships.

Make a Daily Schedule

One of the easiest ways to keep work and family time separate is to make a daily plan. Establish your daily work stop time and record your working hours in writing. Using this schedule will help you better understand when to focus on business and when to spend time with your family. Follow your timetable to the best of your ability. This shows your family how much you value them.

Ensure that you factor in short rest periods. These breaks provide you the chance to refresh and keep your mind clear. Take advantage of these moments to take a break from your work and perhaps spend some time with your children. It helps you to spend some time with your family even during a stressful workplace.

Create a Dedicated Workspace

Having a designated workstation is beneficial if you work from home. This could be a little workstation, a room, or even a corner of a room. Establishing a designated workspace facilitates organisation and concentration. Additionally, it facilitates leaving work behind when you leave that area.

It’s time to work when you’re in your workspace. The moment you step out of that area, family time begins. Inform your loved ones that you are working when you are seated at your workstation. They learn when to interrupt and when not to do so as a result of this. When all is said and done, you are signalling to them that you are ready to spend time with them by exiting your workspace.

Use Technology Wisely

You can better balance work and family time with the aid of technology. Utilise calendar apps to manage your business and family obligations. Set reminders for significant events like game night or dinner, as well as for deadlines and essential meetings.

Finding Time for Yourself

Being a parent can sometimes require you to look after other people all the time. It’s crucial to schedule some personal time for oneself. Engaging in a pastime or enjoyable activity is one way to relax after a busy day. It could be engaging in enjoyable online gaming, watching a show, or reading a book.


For example, you can visit to find a bit of entertainment. Taking some time for yourself helps you relax and recharge. When you feel refreshed, you can be a better parent and a more focused worker.

Set Clear Boundaries with Work

Inform your supervisor and coworkers of your working hours. This can assist in preventing calls or emails after your workday is over. You could gently inform them that you will reply to any messages you receive during your subsequent work period. Establishing these limits early on can encourage others to be considerate of your time.

After your workday has ended, it’s a good idea to switch off work notifications on your computer or phone. This helps you resist the need to check emails from work when you should be spending quality time with your family.

Plan Quality Family Time

Set aside particular times for family activities. It doesn’t have to be fancy; a simple family dinner or game night can suffice. It’s important to be truly present during these moments. Put your phone away and focus on people around you.

Being in the same room is not enough to define quality time. It is exchanging ideas, joking about, and working together. Children are particularly perceptive when you are genuinely interested in them. The happiness of your family might significantly change as a result of these little but meaningful occasions.

Learn to Say No

Saying no to extra work or social activities can be a necessary part of juggling career and family. It’s acceptable to decline a job offer if accepting it will result in less time spent with your family. Recall that you are not required to do everything. Set priorities based on your personal priorities.


Saying no can be difficult, but it’s an essential skill for establishing limits. It assists in time management so you may devote yourself fully to your family without becoming overburdened.

To Wrap it

Setting boundaries between work and family time is important for busy parents. By making a schedule, creating a workspace, and setting clear rules with work, you can find a balance that works for you. Remember to plan quality time with your family and find a little time for yourself too. These steps can help you be present both at work and at home, making you feel more balanced and happy.